fa Here It Is The First Game Gameloft Supported Unreal Engine ~ Android News

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Here It Is The First Game Gameloft Supported Unreal Engine

Developer and publisher of mobile games, Gameloft masters from France, have posted a poster of his latest game, the first powered by Unreal Engine from Epic.

These developers post pictures from his latest game promo at Gameloft's official Facebook page.
What is the title of the game is not yet revealed today. It's just that, if you see in the picture above, the game would seem to present a variety of scenes of violence as part of the game.

Unfortunately, not yet willing to uncover whether or not Gameloft games that will be available for the latest iOS or Android. However, according to rumors reported by growing as it allegedly would BGR game coming for both. So, we just wait.

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