fa BlackBerry PlayBook 4 g LTE In price of about USD 550 ~ Android News

Thursday, August 9, 2012

BlackBerry PlayBook 4 g LTE In price of about USD 550

RIM on Thursday then launched 4 g LTE BlackBerry tablet PlayBook. This device comes with carrying the BlackBerry PlayBook OS Software 2 plus LTE connectivity which would give access to the mobile network at high speed as well as the support of HTML5.

When released, the RIM does not provide information related to the price of its new tablet. However, not long ago a site named MobileSyrup has revealed the price of BlackBerry PlayBook 4 g LTE.
In the report it was mentioned that the device will launch in Canada through RIM partner there like Bell, TELUS, and Rogers.

Price of BlackBerry PlayBook 4 g LTE offered Bell and TELUS for 550 USD without bond contract. As for the network of Rogers, it pegged at a price: 549,99 USD (without contract), 499,99 EUR (with a one-year contract), USD 339.99 (with two-year contract), and for three years 349,99 USD contract.

Decision of the RIM PlayBook 4 g LTE filling with a capacity of at least 32 GB memory in the price range of the aforesaid can say ' brave ' as a step. As is known, based on the fact that survey results revealed by website BGR some time ago it was revealed that the vast majority of users do not consider cellular connectivity in the tablet as a necessity. It is especially associated with the prices of certain network-enabled tablet (which is usually more expensive) and subscription data that must be taken over later.

Consumers want to be able to consume a number of precisely the data on their tablet without incurring additional costs. Thus, consumers tend to choose a tablet quite with Wi-Fi connectivity on the device.
RIM had other reasons of course with the pricing policy for PlayBook 4 g LTE in the plan. So, we just wait for the next developments, whether it will be a new tablet RIM reaping success in the market or the failure repeats precisely on their first PlayBook.

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