fa Samsung accused LG samsung's OLED related leaking ~ Android News

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Samsung accused LG samsung's OLED related leaking

Samsung Mobile display co. reportedly has filed against top SH LG Display has alleged leaking of his display technology known as OLED (organic light-emitting diode).Samsung Mobile display co. reportedly has filed against top SH LG Display has alleged leaking of his display technology known as OLED (organic light-emitting diode).
According to anonymous sources as reported by the Yonhap News, Samsung has submitted a document to a District Court of Seoul linked with 18 technology secrets to OLED (organic light-emitting diode) and 21 other relevant details. Samsung demanding about 1 billion Won (USD 880.514) from LG as indemnity for each case of technology ' quoted ' or publish information to third parties.
In July last year, 11 people, including a former engineer - and in some cases still works - for Samsung Mobile, has been indicted on charges of leaking information rahasai from Samsung for Samsung LG LG. formally asks for apology and take the necessary actions to rectify the situation.
"LG Display has been consistently taking technology OLED and our other business secrets to induce our researchers to transfer (technology)," says one from Samsung as reported by Yonhap News.

"During the past 10 years, we have invested more than 1 trillion won in the field. Thanks to the efforts that we do, we now hold a technology exclusively that allows us to claim almost 99% in the market for OLED in the world, "he said.
Related to the allegations made by Samsung in July last year, LG Display precisely denied the allegations. In fact, LG stated that it would be sued for having slandered him at a Samsung time will come. Furthermore, the LG says that it doesn't need the Samsung technology "which works under a system display an entirely different".
As known, the panel OLED screen technology which is very popular and has now been widely adopted by mobile device manufacturers around the world. This type of screen that features a slimmer and brighter than the screen LCD (liquid crystal display) in General.

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